Jumat, 20 April 2018

Crisis (Capital guarantee employees)

Crisis (Capital guarantee employees)

Image source: http://www.commonwealthfoundation.org/imgLib/20150331_20131104_PensionCrisis_616x399.jpg

But there are "scientists" who are speaking about all there's tectonic adjustments within the economy. However, as shown by the overview, the shift, if it happens within the economy, the interpretation of the author is certainly seen Clinic. In short - you desire a physician, a therapist may, if the patient is in a position to suppose critically about reality. But surely require yet another doctor profile. I am now not a physician, but from the famous literature know that if there is any person split consciousness (see the above), the perception of the negative as profitable (results of the reforms), the violation of social cognition (pricing in Pharmacy), paranoid symptoms (obsession with the sanctity of the market) , disorganization of thought and speech, their unusual (listen to "Echo" and read the transcript), etc., there is the mental shift. The only problems is that if somatic diseases amenable to treatment, the mental health ... is now not heard. I only know that treatment is largely in isolation from the society who suffer disabilities. But does this A. Venediktov and that other than Yassin is functional economists?

"That's all monetarists revile, requiring now not produce more money in circulation. I, Yasin, monetarist, such as Kudrin contrary. The peculiarity of our economy - and our idea - now not to release the money, because our business is suppressed. But in idea that you'll even print it. That China began with the reality that they just print money. Adding money, you are like fertilizes the economy. And how many of these had been occasions - completed. Incidentally, China had no reserves. Purely split consciousness! In China at the beginning of market reforms is now not some thing that became put down, it never became. But podnapechatali denezhek, fertilized, so to converse, the economy, and off they would go - now China a international power, the second after the us. Even in a crisis where economic progress 5%, and we - the decline in industry by 18%. But Yasin obtained: bad for the economy of Russia "coin money" since it violates the monetarist idea. But for China and assorted (such occasions - is full ") - good.

Nicholas 1st in order to garner fame merciful monarch, after the suppression of the Decembrist uprising urged to draw up a catalogue of rebels liberal Speransky. He knew that the fervour and the cruelty of the liberals at times exceeds low-budget limits - Sperdnski compiled a catalogue of the king cut 10 times and sentenced to death only five. Our young reformers, Yegor Gaidar, Chubais, and others of their imitators, greedily for power, also did now not spare the americans, country and plunged it into the abyss of ruin and degeneration within the uncooked system appendage of the West. They have now not been such a king to send these liberastov far-off, as an example, in Iran, as Griboyedov.

It is understandable that during times of crisis funds should be directed primarily to those industries that serve as within the house market and, above all in agriculture and cuisine construction and mild industry. We have very favorable time for recovery industries computer tools, instrumentation, home pharmaceutical and assorted industries have lost at Boris Yeltsin. What distinguished broadcasting Evgeni? It is broadcast to us about the benefits of high charges of pharmaceuticals.

You have to take note that our monetary specialists are nonetheless sacred (or blindly) thought upon the monetarist precepts, had been forced to head to the indexation of pensions. And I would have gladly now not have them to elevate, valorizirovat and index. Weak health pensioners should be reasonably well fed and clothed, to have the facility to reach the ballot container and express its gratitude to those in power. Otherwise, who's going then "our" will elect? No one saw that the increase is at times combined with the electoral system? Past regional elections showed that the ER once returned "the americans", though its leader on this much americans chop off within the midst of the crisis 25% increase in price lists, in order that, God forbid, oligarhata have now not lost my appetite. And you, Eugene G., and this offer Cenci zaminusovat. By the method, I am writing to you and the assorted reformers too greyhounds that if the pension increase once or twice a year, and this is completed by the pension funds, the supply of compensation, at the least for the ruble, requires monthly efforts of officials to issue certificates, verification, etc. d.. And hence, it is the basis for progress within the sort of inspection-payable claims, verification, etc. And can you suggest yet another card to enter ... on compensation? From you will change into ...

Why inspire the compression and containment of financial progress, that without any connection with the practice cautioned monetarists, for the economy bad? Because the crisis commenced because of lack of cash within the economy and it determines the degree of their lack of depth of the crisis. From the third law of bubbles (J. "Finance and credit, 22, 2009., Http://crisis-blog.ru/world/krizis-i-zakony-finansovyx-piramid.html), it follows that for to neutralize the consequences of the crisis and to suppress the building of negative phenomena within the economy have to do exactly the other - an pressing disbanding zero Stabilization Fund to ship loans on to enterprises (but now not the oligarchic constructions). This measure is comparable to strolling the water pump - get it to work, you must first in his shirt, pour a bucket of water (money), so then he commenced to pump water with controlled strain. So did Abama, and assorted leaders of constructed countries, "pouring" unprecedentedly larger sums of cash into the financial gadget, at the same time lowering the refinancing rate. Well, in Russia, where the facility reigns monetarists, money given to banks elected, rather than enterprises, refinancing dramatically kicked up. Banks traded budget money for the currency, partially brought overseas, strengthening the flight of capital, partly directed at solving their very own complications. They have a stand, but to the enterprises money and never come down. That is why the end result that the rustic has to enforce the tips "to the contrary, monetarists Kudrin, became fully expected.

But might Yassin? Right, even as a human! If anybody invented some thing new, made of prime of the selection, it has the best to cost any price and get a monopoly profit. Then it begin to offer assorted goods, the market is saturated and charges fall - "the market mechanism is working"!
And at an analogous time, he became wrong. It is now not suitable! But why? Because the much poorly educated economist knows that capitalism in its building passes through three phases: primitive accumulation, capitalism itself, outlined in element by Marx and the financial and monopoly capitalism. But Yasin - medical (!) Head (!) Higher (!) School of Economics! This is now not a breadth-shavyr. I don't know? But ... from the music, that is verbatim, the words cannot throw. We recommend this as if we had been the day past, fell asleep in constructed socialism, and now, thankfully slept during the primary stage, awoke within the building of capitalism. But this does now not stand up. Yasin outlined the mechanism of market regulation of charges refers to a steady market, where an analogous act difficult antitrust measures. And with Russia is it acceptable?

Russia is capitalism novokap stage of primitive accumulation, with the much barbaric and ruthless accumulation, coupled with underdeveloped financial and monopoly. Thieves nouveaux riches are now not one another (and every assorted - too) within the system of competition, and the entire americans by increasing charges and inflation - that's where all their billions. In Russia the full, I repeat - the full market rests on the reality that once snatch high price, and there might now not care less! I live in a place where within a 2-3-minute stroll there are 5 (five!) Pharmacies. Nortel - don't want. Oh, and don't want. Raise charges in a single - instantly rising in all others. What? If you're sick, buy at any price. And the thesis that Yassin, that the high price of medication can increase their construction and circulate innovation in pharmaceuticals - nonsense! In Penza is a plant "biosynthesis", which is to market reforms provided zero.5 of the rustic with antibiotics, and worked on it about 6 thousand americans. We produce nothing, only fasuet. And the employees became reduced by 10 times. Why, Yasin you obvious our sun, pharmacists have been slow to mend the construction of antibiotics? As, even if, and assorted a must-have medicines? And if day after nowadays the conflict? Yes, spit, now not monopoly case ...

"That's what recovery? This is when the waves are. One after yet another. You threw them a bit, and he can then swim up lemon (1000000). Economic progress comes from these waves. " Or a bit of sail by shit. "For just a few of unknown supply comes progress. But it does now not matter. That's the secret to the unpredictability. You realize some thing? I - no. But, surely because he studied in a singular college, now not within the prime. Either a member collage, we're primitive explain that economic progress when it will increase the construction of goods and companies, respectively, and welfare of the americans. But if you go waves, shaking the economy: the upward thrust, then fall ... It's who training on this suitable?

But let little doubts and cautiously revered transcripts of his speeches. Well, at the least now these "tectonic" revelation, he made a gift to ladies on March eight. For the convenience of readers we've the perception of their smallness podredaktiruem being tainted by the author's tongue-tied verbosity, and take up quotes, comments and leave without them. Begins to broadcast it to the landmark:

To the perplexed question of leadership: now not whether it would be to break up inflation, instantly accompanied by the reply: "I know the method out! This is less profitable for retirees, but inflation would now not grow. Make compensation because the compensation comes at a fraction. Relatively less pay, and best of all ... scale back the crisis - that's what creates the preconditions for reducing back inflation! "In short, come - only the crisis, and we did now not must be really happy, and here he is out! Singing it ossanu ... "There is reduced demand, charges fall. Yeah, run away! In Russia, falling demand became offset by top charges and ..., respectively, inflation amounted to eight,eight%.

"The establishment of rules that would prohibit personal pharmacies to sell drugs above a definite price, ie regulation of charges, will lead to the disappearance of the sale of those drugs, which are hooked up charges. Neither prosperous nor deficient cannot on this case to download an unbelievable cure, which is produced overseas. All the technological progress within the economy, including within the manufacture of medication is because there is an possibility at just a few of facet to make new drugs to download the monopolistic profit. But the more the producers and sellers within the market, the monopoly of a lowering, on account of medication from this cheaper. Open market mechanism. If you pull off this stimulus, then no one will be doing it. "

E. Yasin says (and shows!) Every Monday at the Echo of Moscow "program" tectonic shift ". This shift, he presented to us as if larger chunks of economies of possibility countries, like the tectonic plates Earth's crust, split, breaking away, moving within the ocean of the market. And de, where well-known laws of the seas of the ocean, the rocks soar affluent economy. Their ahead to progress the invisible hand of the market. And those who don't know (well now not comprehend what a market economy!), Drowning in a sea of crisis. They drowns this same hand. Save them one - rather sit on the desk led them to the Higher School of Economics. In an over the head case - must now listen to this very transmission - and you will be within the hands clue profitable go from side to side to the world market give method. Above all, you, the listener must have ordinary mind just a few of form of know-how on the economy and to be trustful as Pinocchio. And then, O lucky, you stand up to stopover at the Field of Miracles.

That would be more within the speaking head met the a hundred% the scale of spending on the continued progress of price lists in public utilities, and cuisine ... "There is an institution rule, monetary - no salary, no pension, no assorted steady income cannot be listed. Do now not do automatic indexing, because thus comprises the system of generating more inflation. We add pensions - starts a wave of assorted wage will increase as cleaners, nurses, even to anybody. And this entire wave went. In the end, it seems, inflation has risen by 15%, and the expected 6%. But the pension must increase no matter what. And wages within the budgetary house. " Again, split consciousness: automatic indexing irrespective of everything cannot be completed, but the pensions and salaries to state employees have to upgrade no matter what.

And the doctor's last chord: "Today the much luxurious health care is within the us. Slightly or 80% of all health expenditures are elderly and so on. But 80% of all innovation in medicine, too, is made within the USA. That such a dialectic. Yes, this is accurately the dialectic. But - split consciousness. You know, there is a definite category of americans who suppose that the real world is a mirrored symbol of consciousness. He opened his eyes - that he, a international reality. Close - no it became gone. And that the efforts of consciousness, the mind (or lack thereof) can switch the world without making a physical effort. And if he does now not switch, this rotten world, so lots the more severe for it. That's better that our historic men and 80% of pensions would spend on drugs and doctors, then in Russia will "Innovations in Medicine".

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